0 - Introduction

Welcome to Travelwritten.com

Europe for Visitors home page
ABOVE: The home page of Europeforvisitors.com, which attracts more than 4 million visits and 13+ 
million page views per year.

by Durant Imboden, Europe for Visitors

Travelwritten is a how-to site and blog for travel writers who want to become writer-publishers on the Web.

It draws on the knowledge that I've acquired--mostly by trial and error--during nearly 11 years as co-owner, publisher, and editor of Europeforvisitors.com and nearly seven years with MSN, About.com, and other online companies from 1995 until 2001.

On this site, you'll find advice and thoughts about:

  • How to select a topic.
  • Travel-planning site vs. blog.
  • Authoring or content-management tools.
  • Where to find revenue.
  • How to build and measure traffic.
  • Above all, how to make the transition from the traditional freelance model ("I submit article, editor sends money") to an entrepreneurial business model where the writer-publisher owns the risks, responsibilities, and rewards. 

Disclosure and disclaimer: 

  • Travelwritten has nothing to sell: no e-books, no tutorials, no webinars, no pitches for writers' conferences, not even any Google AdSense ads. So don't look for hidden agendas, because there aren't any. Travelwritten is simply my contribution to the travel-writing community, and I hope you'll find it useful as you move from freelancing to Web publishing.
  • Travelwritten is mostly about self-published travel-planning sites. Other kinds of travel publishing may have a place on the Web, but my expertise is in travel-planning sites, so you'll need to go elsewhere if you're looking for how-to advice on personal blogs, smartphone apps, travel narrative, Web freelancing, etc.
  • Travelwritten's articles reflect a single point of view (mine), but with luck, comments by other writer-publishers will supply a broader range of insights and opinions as time goes by.

Please note:

  • Comments are welcome, but please keep them civil and on topic. (Spam, personal attacks, and rants will be deleted without mercy.)
  • I don't do site reviews, and questions are best submitted as comments. If you'd like to contact me for other reasons, please e-mail durant (at) europeforvisitors.com.

Next article: "The Timeses, they are a-changin'"